
   My latest novel, The Reality Meltdown, is now available in paperback, eBook, and (for a limited time) hardcover.

   Some scientists believe small amounts of consciousness are endemic to physical matter... meaning there's a chance that objects are "aware."

   Now, a renowned product designer must confront the startling ramifications of learning his materials are sentient... and avert an imminent, mind-bending catastrophe that only he can prevent.

   As always, you won't find a mailing list signup, newsletter solicit, or 'Follow' request anywhere on this site. My passion is creative writing, and that's where I focus.

   So please, pull up a chair, browse the books, and enjoy!

Site content © 2018-2024, by Third Quandary Books, an imprint of Delcominy Creations, LLC.


Special hello to the librarians attending the American Library Association's 2024 conference in San Diego this month!

I'm happy to say that the e-Book edition of The Reality Meltdown (available through Ingram) will soon be part of the Booklife Elite program, a subscription collection available to libraries through Overdrive and other library e-Book platforms.

Thank you for bringing literacy, information, and storytelling magic to our lives.

2023 ALA Conference Program listing for The Reality Meltdown